
The graphic project is based on Aristotle’s philosophical ideas, in particular on the concept of Entelechy, that is the perfect development from potential to actual.

  • Tag

    Video Mapping, VFX, Motion Graphics

  • Where is it

    Palace of Parliament, Bucharest, Romania

Antaless visual design


Matter and potential are equal in the idea of Aristotle, as matter is, by definition, the ability to take shapes. The term Entelechy expresses the possibility for something to become something else, through a journey made of continuous changes that have the aim to reach its full potential.

“The light emitted from the projections makes the colors and the shapes of the architecture actual, making them visible from the potential state in which they are in the darkness”.


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Under his careful guidance, a team of professionals, with multidisciplinary production skills, collaborates synergistically to create innovative, immersive and mind-blowing multimedia experiences.
